Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Ian is heading our way… Are you prepared? Let’s go over a few tips that can make a huge difference!

  • Put Things That Are Outside Away

A good rule to remember: if you can easily pick it up, put it away. Items that can be easily lifted should either be secured down or picked up and safely put away. This would include outside furniture, children’s toys, potted plants, and yard signs. By doing this you’ll be making sure that these items won’t potentially be picked up by the wind and possibly cause damage.

  • Clean Up Your Trees

Go outside and take a look at your trees. Do any of them have branches that could be trimmed? Are some branches growing over your house? Clean them up to make sure they don’t end up coming through a window or falling onto your house.

  • Take Photos Of Your Home

If your home ends up withstanding damage, you’ll have to file a claim with your insurance. Having photos of your home (pre-storm) will help cover your bases in case your insurance company tries to question how/when the damage happened.

  • Gather An Appropriate Amount Of Supplies

In case your power goes out or you end up stuck in your home for whatever reason possible think of what you would really need to get by. You should have food that doesn’t need electricity to be made, water, batteries, charcoal/gas to grill out, medications and medical supplies on hand. Have gas in your car in case an evacuation is necessary. Charge your phone, so you’re able to keep in touch with loved ones and get updates on the storm. Only worry about gathering things you really need.

  • Help Others

Call your friends and family to make sure they are prepared. Lend a helping hand to your neighbor who is outside prepping their house for potential damage. Take supplies over to the person you know wasn’t able to get out on their own to get some before it was all gone. Be a good person in someone else’s life during these stressful times.