Be Careful About Forbearance On Your Mortgage

Rountree Realty Blog – Forbearance

During this pandemic, many people are stressed about finances and trying to find any way possible to make ends meet. Some homeowners are applying for mortgage forbearance through their banks while finding their way through this difficult time. The problem is, there is a lot of confusion and scrambling going on between banks or credit unions. Some people are saying lump-sum repayment is the only option, while others are saying that there will be a repayment plan that would run concurrently with your normal payments, or the possibility of a loan modification that would track the missed payments onto the end of your mortgage. This has created a communication lapse. If you apply for a forbearance, you need to know the terms. Every institution may be different, so make sure you fully understand what you are getting yourself into. Be careful and advocate for yourself. Check out this full article that Florida Realtors posted. As always call me if I can help in anyway!


7 Tips for Mastering Zoom Meetings!

Good Day, 

Over the past month or so we have all had to conform to new ways of communicating! Use these 7 tips to master your next Zoom conference call! If you haven’t checked out Zoom you must! It’s also a great way to just stay connected with friends and family! 

  • Test Meetings – Set up a test meeting before your first “real” Zoom meeting.
  • Join Early – Test equipment and make sure everything is working properly.  
  • Avoid Hackers – Require a PW for your meeting. 
  • Mute Option – Remind everyone of the mute option. 
  • Scheduling – Schedule meetings at “off” times to avoid interruptions. 
  • Turn Off Alerts – Silence phones and notifications while in meetings.
  • Chatroom – Use your chat room for questions and recognition.

Deferment and Forbearance

Good Day All, 

With all of the challenges that we’re facing due to the Coronavirus, I have had heard a lot of people wanting to know what their options are with their mortgage payments. We have all heard of the terms deferment and forbearance, but do you really know what they mean? 

Deferment – Allows borrowers to repay missed mortgage payments over time or add them to the end of their loan period. 

Forbearance – allows borrowers to temporarily stop making their mortgage payments without risk of foreclosure, but missed payments are typically due in one lump sum. 

I hope this helps! Before making any decisions I would recommend talking to a loan officer or your financial advisor. For all of your real estate needs please feel free to contact me! (352) 577-9171 


Stay Home, Stay Fit!

Happy Hump Day, 

I hope everyone is doing well. Are you having a hard time coming up with things to do while being quarantined? Now is a good time to stay home and stay fit! Use these workout ideas that require very little workout equipment! 

  • Jump Rope (2-3 minutues) 
  • Jumping Jacks (25 reps) 
  • Lunges (5 reps each leg) 
  • Push-ups (10-20 reps) 
  • Bodyweight Squats (10-20 reps) 

Don’t forget ~ Stay Home, Stay Fit!

10 Year Market Trend

Good Day All, 

I keep saying this, but incase you all forgot HOUSING INVENTORY IS LOW! Here is a chart that shows you the decline of listings for sale in Marion County, over the past 10 years. If you have thought about selling now is the time! I have a portfolio of buyers waiting to find their perfect home! 

Please call me for all of your real estate needs! (352) 577-9171

Mortgages Hit Lowest Point in 3 Years!


Happy Friday Everyone! 

Check out this latest article from FloridaRealtors! 30 year mortgages hits lowest point in the past 3 years! Just another reason why now is the perfect time to get preapproved for financing, and begin your home search! Here is contact information for a great local lender! John Celebre has a years of experience and is ready to help you with all of your financing needs!

Call me today if you have any questions (352) 577-9171

John Celebre
Senior Loan Officer | Union Home Mortgage
NMLS 659576 | FL LO40458
(352) 289-1164
(352) 804-4310
2609 SW 33 Street Unit 101, Suite #5 | Ocala, FL 34471


What a Realtor does for you!

Have you ever thought what all does a Realtor do? Watch this short video to find out just a few things that we do to help buyers and sellers!

Looking to buy or sell real estate? Give me a call! I would love to help. (352) 577-9171

2 Year Low Housing Inventory

Good Day All, 

Are you thinking about selling your home or a parcel of real estate? Inventory is at a 2 year low, and now is a great time to sell! Check out this article posted by FloridaRealtors!

Please contact me! I would love to help you with all of your real estate needs!

(352) 577-9171 or 

Tips for Avoiding Wire Fraud

Are you planning to make a large purchase in 2020! Maybe a new house,  car or a purchase out of state?  If so, the company handling the sale will probably want you to wire funds for the purchase. Check out this short video for tips to avoid wire fraud! This is a real problem and we’re seeing more and more with handling real estate transaction.

As always if you have any questions please contact me! I’m here to help you with all of your real estate needs! (352) 577-9171 or